

Born in Bad Segeberg / Lived in Brazil, Spain, USA. Studied art at Falmouth School of Art and Design, England. Completed a degree in Geography in Marburg / Since 1997, numerous solo and group exhibitions, including in Antwerp, Berlin, Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, and Mainz / Conducts workshops on experimental and expressive painting / 2007 – 2014 ran a production gallery in Mainz / Since 2014, has had a studio at Langendellschlag 62, Wiesbaden. 2021 opened the "ARTLET" outlet in the city center.

I am the third of six children, born in 1970 in Bad Segeberg. However, I never really got to know this area: My parents - who had settled in Chile and already started a family there - had just moved to northern Germany when they abruptly changed all their plans. So right after I was born, we moved to Barcelona! We spent five years there, which I can only vaguely remember. Other places I lived during my childhood were Boston (USA) and Wehrheim (near Frankfurt).

As a teenager, I became interested in art and exhibited drawings and early acrylic paintings here and there. After graduating from high school, I applied to the Falmouth School of Art and Design(England), where I earned my diploma in the "Foundation Course." After that, I studied geography in Marburg. My most interesting experiences during this time included a six-month internship at G.T.Z. in Porto Alegre (Brazil), writing a thesis on the dependency of location decisions on exchange rates, learning about Schumpeter's economic development theories, and participating in a rhetoric course with a bunch of law students despite being untalented in that area.

After my studies, I was less busy during my civilian service in Darmstadt. Nevertheless, I have very positive memories of that time: This was due to my shared apartment and the fairly relaxed work at the Red Cross. This period rekindled my interest in painting, and I organized my first sales exhibitions.

After my civilian service, I moved to Mainz and focused on two themes "Fossil Landscapes" and "World People". Both themes were heavily influenced by my studies and were exhibited several times in Mainz and Wiesbaden. In addition to my work in the studio, I taught introductory courses in expressive paintingat the community college.

In the summer of 2000, I had my most successful exhibition to date. For the first time in my life, I had a five-figure sum in my bank account! I spontaneously decided to move to Berlin. Themes like "Redwind", "Hunters" and "HomoGen" emerged, which were shown in Wiesbaden, Berlin, and Antwerp (Hunters). The focus was on expressive painting. However, there were also early experimental attempts on the theme"The Palette". Although the experiments failed, they were later revisited in Mainz and became my focus in modern painting. In addition to exhibitions in Berlin, Antwerp, and Wiesbaden, I continuously offered art courses and seminars on "expressive painting for beginners and advanced learners." Later - in Mainz - I also added "introduction to experimental painting."

In 2007, I founded a small production gallery in Mainz: Galerie Hellbusch. Exhibitions featured

Elke Pollack (Painter, Berlin)

Maria Henn (Painter, Berlin)

Amador Vallina (Painter, Wörrstadt)

Chris Kircher (Sculptor, Frankfurt)

Frank Leske (Sculptor, Bad Kreuznach) and

Mark Hellbusch (Painter, Mainz)

The rotating exhibitions were accompanied by workshops and art courses in the studio, which were mainly intended to relieve the entrepreneurial pressure of running the gallery and the creative pressure in the studio. The concept worked. I finally managed to implement "The Palette" to my own satisfaction. The progress in experimental painting was evident. "The Palette" or "The Paintbox" soon became the gallery's hallmark.

Between the birth of my first and second sons - 2010 and 2012 - the theme of "The Palette" developed further: "Mars Field" emerged from the color fragments of the palette. I was able to fully realize it only after my parental leave with David in 2013. With two small children and long commutes, my nerves were often frayed. The decision to give up my gallery (2014) and move into a house with an attached studio was quite easy.

With renewed vigor, I continued my work in the studio. In Wiesbaden, I created more paintings on the themes of 'The Paintbox' and 'Mars Field,' as well as new experiments on the subject. "Splash!", "Organic Grounds"and "Remnants of an Experiment".

My daughter Olivia was born in November 2018.

In the spring of 2021, I opened a small outlet for my paintings at Wagemannstrasse 2: ARTLET.


Kunstausstellung mit Organic Grounds im ARTLET. Galerie zeigt mehrere moderne Gemälde aus der Serie, die man vom Schaufenster aus sieht.



You can reach me by phone at:

(0176) 219-16227

or via email:


The mailing address is:

Hellbusch Studio
62 Langendellschlag
65199 Wiesbaden