Learn how to piant

  • Atelier Hellbusch, Langendellschlag 62, 65199 Wiesbaden
  • Classes on Wednesdays and Thursdays
  • $80 per person per month.


Learning to paint isn't that hard.

To improve your painting skills in our course all you need is a bit of curiosity and enthusiasm. However, the painting course is more than just the mere conveyance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Over time, you will develop your own unique and personal style that make your pictures unmistakable. Great emphasis is placed on ensuring that you get enough time and space to experiment.

ThePainting Class with Mark Hellbusch - Dive into Colors, Shapes &Structures.

The introduction to art starts with very simple exercises on paper.
Get the most important basic tips on various topics

  • Brushwork,
  • the primer,
  • Structures,
  • Shapes,
  • Boundaries and
  • Room.
Additionally, you will become more attuned to recognizing patterns. Gradually, you will learn to analyze your own painting – this can further accelerate the learning process. After approximately 12 double sessions, you will be able to
Showcase your creativity on the canvas. Implementing
Having your own ideas holds a high value in my painting class.
will quickly realize how fulfilling it can be to paint
learn and master various painting and glazing techniques!
Special features of the painting course at Atelier Hellbusch include that you can
able to hop on and off at any time. A
So, there is no fixed start date. Additionally, there is a public exhibition of the participants' works once a year.

SimpleSign up & learn art almost effortlessly!

The painting class is currently held on various weekdays in the afternoon.
and in the evening. This way, working professionals also have the chance to learn painting in the course. My studio is located in Wiesbaden in a
beautiful location right by the forest edge: Langendellschlag 62.

Studio Hours for Painting Students


from 4 PM to 9 PM

2 hours (flextime)

on Thursdays from7 PM to 9 PM 2 hrs


On Wednesdays, the course has a flexible start time, meaning participants can begin at any time and attend two hours of class. On Thursdays, the painting class starts at 7 PM. On both evenings, the class ends at 9 PM.

Speedy Painting: Some Expressive Artworks by Course Participants

The common thread among all the works shown by the course participants is the expressive brushwork. Once the principles are understood and practiced a few times on the canvas, we can allow ourselves to paint quite briskly:


How much does the art class cost?

The very first double lesson is free. Here, you have the opportunity to "get a taste". After that, you can enroll in the course at any time—either on a monthly basis or for a longer term.

Monthly fee:



Teenagers, college students, and retirees




ItIt's never too late to fulfill a lifelong dream.

You've been interested in art for a long time, but until now you haven't had the chance.
the time or the courage to learn painting in a class? Fulfill
fulfill your wish now and sign up for the painting course! I look forward
looking forward to meeting you and sharing your talent with the
to foster the necessary know-how!

Do you have any questions about the painting course or are you
not sure if you can also learn painting in the course?

Feel free to talk to me!

Sign Up:

By phone at 0176-21916227 or



Meeting in the Studio

This meeting took place during class in 2018. Thankfully, some course participants recorded the meeting for me. I don't look quite as beer-bellied nowadays ;)



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