Hunters - expressive portrait painting


Expressive, mostly large-format portrait paintings all about competition. 



"Look everywhere, miss nothing. Restlessness distorts people. I paint how the constant need to communicate drowns out our sensitivity."

The first paintings on the theme "Hunters" emerged in 2002 in Berlin and show expressive portraits of people "in the market." Self-assertion is the focus for these individuals and is emphasized by the expressive depiction of certain sensory organs.


The expressive sensory organs invite symbolic interpretation.


The eyes, for example, as a symbol for purposeful action or "focusing on something," are depicted multiple times. The mouth—known as a symbol for communication—can also be interpreted as a "sales organ" due to its repeated appearance. The other sensory organs of the portrayed individuals are often depicted simply, less spatially, or transparently. This variation in depiction suggests a shift in perception for these individuals. The concentrated perception through the eyes and mouth leads to a one-sided unleashing of competition and keeps us from collective action.


Would you like to see artworks in person? "Hunters" exhibition in Wiesbaden.


If you are in the Frankfurt area or even directly in Wiesbaden, feel free to call me. We can arrange a spontaneous appointment at the studio or the outlet. If you are out and about on a Friday or Saturday, stop by Wagemannstraße. My art outlet is located there in the pedestrian zone. Opening hours are

ARTLET: Fri + Sat from 10 AM to 6 PM.

Originals from the warehouse can be fetched and displayed if a different theme is currently being exhibited.

Even with the door closed, it's worth taking a look at ARTLET. With good lighting and up-to-date information on each exhibited work, you can take in the paintings from the street. You can even use QR codes to have your desired painting delivered "on the go."
