Marsfeld LXXXIII - large modern painting - abstract landscape

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Title "Field of Mars LXXXIII"
Size 110 x 100 cm
Series Field of Mars
Artist Mark Hellbusch
Technology Acrylic, lacquer, and oil paints (mixed media)
Medium Experiment on canvas
Category large painting
Origin 2021 in Wiesbaden
Frame no
Delivery 1-3 business days


An abstract landscape of colorful paint residues.

The large-format, abstract painting measures 110 x 100 cm, is made of paint remnants, and depicts a landscape with a crater from above. The paint remnants used for this painting are colorful, tend to be warm, and are relatively dark. Acrylic paints, oil paints, and leftover varnishes interact in various combinations of color, shape, and size: Compositionally, they form a crater. The sizes of the paint remnants range from very fine dust to paint chunks about 0.7 cm in diameter. It is the differences in size of the paint remnants that allow for a composition.

The paint residues are glued both to the canvas and to each other with a binder. This keeps the painting well protected. IIn a narrower sense, this art belongs to the category of abstract or experimentalLandscape Painting

Buy a large painting made from leftover paint for a special ambiance at home.

The large painting "Field of Mars LXXXIII" is most impressive in a bright room. The unusual spatiality - the haptics (three-dimensional) combined with the contrasts (two-dimensional) - creates a very special, very modern Environment. From a distance, the artwork initially appears earthy or sandy. However, the crater's interior is already easily recognizable due to its lower texture. He arises at that point merely due to the change in size of the paint residues. As you take a few steps towards the painting, you notice that all the paint residues are equally colorful.

A modern painting of this kind - an abstract landscape with craters - is not accessible to everyone. Nevertheless, the result of experimental painting can spark curiosity. Especially when the juxtaposition of old (Color residues) and new (painting), or the Title " Field of Mars " (a place of political debate in ancient Rome) evokes associations.