Marsfield LVI - Modern Painting on Canvas - Fine Art

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Title "Marsfeld LVI"
Size 30 x 24 cm
Series Marsfeld
Technique Fine art with acrylic, lacquer, and oil paints (mixed media)
Medium Experiment on canvas
Category Modern painting
Creation 2015 in Wiesbaden
Frame No
Delivery 1-3 business days


The abstract landscape as an experiment on canvas.

"Marsfeld LVI" measures 30 x 24 cm, consists of paint remnants, and was created from an experiment on canvas. The paint remnants used for this painting are colorful. Acrylic paints, oil paints, and lacquer remnants interact in various combinations of color, form, and size to create an abstract landscape. The sizes of the paint remnants range from very fine dust to paint chunks about 0.5 cm in diameter. It is the size differences of the paint remnants that allow for a composition. In this case, a landscape with a crater from a bird's eye view.

A crater of paint remnants.

From a distance, the work initially appears to depict an earthy or sandy, beach-like surface. As you step closer to the painting, you realize that it is completely colorful and consists of small paint remnants. The abstract painting becomes more concrete with closer inspection: thoughts of wind, water, and eventually the morphology of a crater in the landscape emerge.

The small-format landscape for an stimulating atmosphere at home.

The small-format landscape "Marsfeld LVI" is best displayed in the hallway, on the stairs, or in a niche in the room. The unusual spatiality - the true tactile quality (three-dimensional) combined with the contrasts (two-dimensional) - in conjunction with the simple composition creates a very original and stimulating Ambience, which can only be gradually explored. The spatial and compositional effect is extremely subtle, resulting in a very delicate impact from this painting.

Buy paintings at a low price.

The "Marsfeld" paintings look veryElegant in vertical or horizontal rows. In this way, even larger rooms can be decorated with the small-format Marsfeld paintings.For pictures hanging next to each other, it is important to note that the differences are crucial. The crater, which appears yellow-brown from a distance, between beach-like reddish wave structures and a grayish-looking whirlpool is more inspiring to the eye than several craters of the same size next to each other. These can quickly be overlooked as a pattern. 

Also interesting is the Price: The paintings on the theme "Marsfeld" are not cheap, but extremely affordable in relation to their quality. For one person, this means a relatively risk-free entry into the world of contemporary art. For another, it might be an opportunity to decorate smaller spaces in a modern, interesting, and affordable way. With this type of art, you make a subtle statement. The paint remnants as a defining element give your decor something very original. Do not hesitate to request an art consultation from me before purchasing paintings.

Good to know.

Binder as glue.

The Special gluefor cotton and the binder used for these experiments ensure very good adhesion of the paint remnants to the canvas. If individual paint remnants do fall off - perhaps due to transport or curious children's fingers - it is not dramatic: All "Marsfeld" paintings consist of multiple layers Glued paint remnants, so the canvas remains covered even with minor damage.

The artist Mark Hellbusch - from expressive painting to experimental art

I have been a freelance painter since 1997 and have dealt with a variety of themes in painting. While I was almost exclusively engaged in expressive painting until 2007, today my focus is more on experimental art. MyPersonal background, as well as almost allArtistic themescan be foundunder "About Me".


With expertise inArt

and joy in theWork:

Mark Hellbusch.

You can reach me by phone at +49 (0)176-21916227.

Monday to Thursdayin the studio: Langendellschlag 62, Wiesbaden.

Friday and Saturdayat ARTLET: Wagemannstr 2, Wiesbaden.

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